Disciplined Execution, Proven Results

Because each client is unique, SaltHill Group is committed to getting to know each client and finding the best candidate for the function, industry and company culture. Our candidates must possess strong communication skills, exceptional talent and superior intelligence demonstrated by a history of achievement in both education and professional experience.

Our Recruiting Methodology



Our recruiting team works closely and consistently with you to understand the structure and strategy of the organization, as well as the requirements of each opportunity.


Our network and diverse research techniques help us target candidates with the professional and personal qualifications the opportunity requires.


We vet potential candidates through our own interview process so that we know each candidate’s career progression, accomplishments and motivations.


We work with you to schedule interviews, discuss feedback and further define qualifications that will enhance our search.


When ready to extend an offer, we work with you and the candidate to negotiate terms and manage the next steps in the process.


Once the process is complete, we solicit feedback from both you and the candidate.

Our Relationship with You



SaltHill Group prides itself on protecting the privacy of all our clients and candidates. We conduct searches with discretion and professionalism.


Although we specialize in specific functions within the energy and commodities trading industries, we understand that our clients have ever-changing needs. We are happy to collaborate with our clients outside our specialty, if requested.

Planning for Growth

Our long-term relationships with our clients allow us to meet the need you have today, but also to prepare our network of talent to suit your future needs.